ENISA welcomes MEPs from the ITRE Committee for a fruitful exchange on cybersecurity and the way forward.
The European Parliament ITRE Delegation (Industry, Research and Energy) visit to the European Agency for Network and Information Security on the 19th and 20th September resulted in a positive and fruitful discussion.
The timing of the visit is perfect as the Commission recently published a new mandate by way of a proposed Regulation for a stronger ENISA with a permanent mandate and a new EU cyber security strategy.
Prof. Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of ENISA and MEPs Ms. Angelika NIEBLER and Ms. Cora Van Niewenhuizen had exchanged a two-day meeting to discuss a number of priority topics including:
- The new proposed Regulation governing ENISA and the timing for the Regulation to be considered in the European Parliament
- How ENISA has been supporting MS in building their cyber capacity
- The cyber threat landscape
- The Pan EU cyber exercises organised by ENISA
- The technology behind blockchain and its use for Cryptocurrencies
The meetings were very constructive and both MEPs expressed satisfaction that cybersecurity is getting proper attention and they look forward to the debate on our new Regulation in the Parliament in the coming few months.
Ms. Angelika NIEBLER, said: “Cybersecurity should be a top priority and now that the new Regulation proposal is on the table, we need to work together and rely on ENISA’s expertise to support the process of discussion on the way forward”.
The issue on data protection and privacy should be a key priority for Europe and we are fighting for privacy protection. On this note, MEP Ms. Cora Van Niewenhuizen, stated, “people might have nothing to hide but many things to protect “.
Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of ENISA, said: “Speaking at the Press conference with Ms Angelika Niebler MEP and Ms Cora Van Nieuwenhuizen MEP the Executive Director of ENISA Professor Dr. Udo Helmbrecht welcomed the opportunity to discuss the proposal of the Commission for a new Regulation for a stronger ENISA. “The European Parliament has been a strong supporter of ENISA and I look forward to the Parliament discussing the proposed Regulation with a focus on strengthening cyber security on an European level with ENISA.”